OCPSoft.com - Simple SolutionsCommunity Documentation

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. Using this guide
1.2. What PrettyFaces provides
1.3. Business value of URL-rewriting

While compatible with any Servlet 2.5+ container, some features are only available in JavaServer Faces.

Sections describing these features are marked with a '*'. This means that the feature either requires JSF, or requires an environment that has configured JSF in order to function; otherwise, those marked features will not be available.

PrettyFaces is an OpenSource extension for Servlet, Java EE, and JSF, which enables creation of bookmarkable, REST-ful, "pretty" URLs. PrettyFaces solves several problems elegantly, such as: custom URL-rewriting, page-load actions, seamless integration with JSF navigation and links, dynamic view-id assignment, managed parameter parsing, and configuration-free compatibility with other JSF frameworks.

Any business knows how important Search Engine Optimization can be for sales. PrettyFaces allows SEO-friendly URLs, and improved customer experience. Give your site a uniform, well understood feeling, from the address bar to the buy button.

What is sometimes neglected, even when building web-sites that aren't for external customers, is the consistency of the URL displayed to users in the browser address bar. Keeping the URL tidy can make a big difference in usability, providing that smooth web-browsing experience.


Notice that outbound links encoded using HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(url) will also be automatically rewritten to new URLs, unless disabled by using the outbound="false" attribute on a given URL-mapping configuration.