February 22nd, 2018 by Craig Schwarzwald

Appium: Running the same suite across multiple OSes

If you follow the principles in this article and utilize the open source framework [link coming soon] I refer to as a base to your Appium test suite, you will find yourself able to run the same tests across any multitude of OSes and/or device types! With the patterns I lay out below and the open source framework as a starting point, you can get a leg up on all your competitors in the mobile test automation space!
August 30th, 2017 by Craig Schwarzwald

Flakiness of Corporate Selenium Suites and how to get rid of it

If you follow the principles in this article and utilize the open source framework I refer to as a base to your selenium suites, you will find your tests to be STABLE, MAINTAINABLE, and EASY TO READ / CREATE, throughout your entire enterprise! These 3 key pillars are something that every company strives for in their automation, but it seems like few actually achieve. WIth the patterns I lay out below and the open source framework as a starting point, you can get a leg up on all your competitors in the test automation space!
February 24th, 2015 by Matyas Danter

SEO-friendly AngularJS with HTML5 pushState(), Rewrite, and twelve lines of code


While migrating an e-commerce application (piqchocolates.com) from Grails and Tomcat to an AngularJS, Java EE (JAX-RS), and JBoss WildFly stack, I had to make sure that the new platform has feature parity in all areas that are valuable to our business. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for us because we primarily market our business on-line. In short, we need search engine optimized URLs, and deep linking; this article will show you how to implement both.

September 17th, 2013 by Lincoln Baxter III

Simplest RVM Installation Guide

Run this command to install the rvm command, a very simple and intuitive “Ruby Version Manager”:
mkdir -p ~/.rvm/src && cd ~/.rvm/src && rm -rf ./rvm && \
git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm.git && \
cd rvm && ./install && \
echo "if [[ -s $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm ]]; then source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm; fi" >> ~/.bashrc
Edit: Oops, I guess it can get even simpler: (Yes, the ‘\’ is intentional.)
\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash
Now use it:
rvm install 1.9.3
Source: An awesome Canadian website.
July 23rd, 2013 by Lincoln Baxter III

Guide to Regular Expressions in Java (Part 2)

Often unknown, or heralded as confusing, regular expressions have defined the standard for powerful text manipulation and search. Without them, many of the applications we know today would not function. This two-part series explores the basics of regular expressions in Java, and provides tutorial examples in the hopes of spreading love for our pattern-matching friends. (Read part one.)
July 22nd, 2013 by Lincoln Baxter III

Guide to Regular Expressions in Java (Part 1)

Often unknown, or heralded as confusing, regular expressions (regex) have defined the standard for powerful text manipulation and search. Without them, many of the applications we know today would not function. This two-part series explores the basics of regular expressions in Java, and provides tutorial examples in the hopes of spreading love for our pattern-matching friends. (Read part two.)
June 4th, 2013 by Lincoln Baxter III

Upcoming Conference Appearances for OCPsoft

I’d like to take a brief moment to let everyone know that we’re going on a Conference Tour! I’ll be presenting on [[Rewrite]] at South-east Linux Fest (FREE) in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Blake Hotel (June 7-9).

I’ll also be presenting [[Rewrite]], Errai, and JBoss Forge at JUDCon Boston 2013 (June 9-11):

So please come join me for a fun and hopefully informative few sessions!

May 28th, 2013 by Lincoln Baxter III

Announcing PrettyTime :: NLP Natural Date Processing

If you have ever used Google Calendar, Siri, Android Voice Command or other natural language tools, you might be familiar with convenient calendar features and voice calendar control. android_voice_scheduling “Schedule a dinner party for six pm, next Thursday,” and The start time for your dinner party conveniently shows up, ready for your finishing touch. But how does this work? Can we use it for our own applications?

If you’ve given this a bit of thought, you’ve probably figured out that in order to understand grammar, the nearly infinite possible combinations of words, expressions, numbers, and dialects should require a not insignificant amount of computing power, and a good deal of creativity.

April 3rd, 2013 by Lincoln Baxter III

Set up an anti-spam filter for your website with mod_security and fail2ban

top apache2 cpu usage

Frequently spammers target products such as wordpress, web forum software, phpMyAdmin, and other common tools used by hobbyist and professional website administrators.

Whether you are hosting your own blog, or running a website for your company or more, it can be difficult to deal with the increasing amount of malicious web traffic seen on a daily basis, while still allowing friendly crawlers such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN search engines.

This harmful and wasteful traffic may damage your system or simply waste its resources, slowing down the site for your more welcome users. If this sounds familiar to you, but your page hits don’t seem to add up, then you may want to consider taking some of the measures outlined below in order to secure your site from harmful hacks and sluggish spam.

February 25th, 2013 by Matyas Danter

Setting up Google OAuth2 with Java


For all of you who are trying to figure out how to integrate with Google’s single sign-on functionality, this article might be for you. I’ve taken the liberty of condensing all of the actual logic required to perform OAuth Google login, and provided it as a class and a JSP (seen below). In order to follow along better, I suggest cloning the example GitHub repository, and deploying to the application to your server of choice.